Since 2004, Queensmount has been host to a Random Act of Kindness program funded by an anonymous community member who supplies rewards for acts of kindness. If the students do something nice, they fill out a slip and put it in a box. Once a week a slip is drawn and the winning student wins a treat for their class. Three times a year a class is rewarded with a “go anywhere, do anything” trip. Usually, they go to the movies or Laser Quest. The grade eight class (8-3) chose to pay it forward and  volunteer at Thrift on Kent in Kitchener. Their homeroom teacher Ionnadis stated “it was so heartwarming that these kids saw the world outside of themselves”. “We are trying to create a generation of kids who are going to give back, Ionannidis said of the schools program. She hopes that others will follow the lead of her class and continue to give back to the community. See the whole story and a picture: