Mrs. Carroll, one of our teachers, wrote this poem to celebrate all the great things that Queensmount students have done for others this fall.  It was read at our seasonal assembly but I thought I would share it with you.  We are proud of all our students and appreciate everyone’s efforts to make the world a better place.  Happy Holidays.

Twas months before Christmas

When all through the school

Students were busy

‘Cause Queensmount is cool.


The sun was hot one autumn day

But we had a mission, no time to play.

We ran. We jogged and some did walk

Our goal – raise funds for Terry Fox.


While some were sweating, others froze

Teachers, students soaked their clothes

In an icy bath – what a mess

The bucket challenge for ALS


We Scare Hunger – a Hallowe’en food drive

Donating food, so others can thrive.

Collect those pop tabs – they’re aluminum you know

Recycling them helps charitable funds grow.


The snow came early – November this year

Temperatures plummeted, Christmas was near.

Hats, mitts and socks to keep new immigrants warm

Now they’re prepared to weather the storms.


Mr. Dave reminds us that kindness is right

And a random act one day might

Not only make somebody’s day

But come back to you in many ways.


8-3 passed their RAK reward to others

Volunteering to help needy sisters and brothers.

And some are weaving milk bag mats for beds

So Haitian children have a dry place to rest their head.


Bake sales always offer something yummy,

Helping others thrive while filling our tummy.

This year we’re raising funds to buy goats

Creating alternative income to give people hope.


And now, with Christmas drawing nigh,

Your food donations we piled high.

The Christmas Fun fair had lots of events

Helping the needy through Christmas is where money gets spent.


So Queensmount students, please continue giving

It helps the less fortunate have a decent living.

With each little act, what a difference you make

In the world around you – have a great Christmas break!