Dear Queensmount Families,

As you know, both our elementary and secondary students began the new year learning remotely from home, as per the Ministry of Education’s direction. We want to thank you for supporting your child as they participated in Distance Learning over the past month.

We are excited to welcome our staff and students back tomorrow!  Your child will return to the SAME mode of learning they were in during the month of December prior to the Winter Break.  Changes to the modes of learning will take place on March 4th for students.

Also, we were also happy to be able to provide a device to students who did not have access to a device at home. For those families that borrowed a device (Chromebook, iPad) during January: These devices must be returned to your child’s homeroom/school when schools reopen on Monday, February 8.

These devices are used daily in our classrooms and we require them back to ensure students continue to have a rich learning environment. The school will not have any extra devices for your child to use.

Thank  you for your support,

The Queensmount Staff