Dear Queensmount Families,

We hope you all had a peaceful Spring Break with your children!

We wanted to connect and let you know about the schedules for the upcoming at-home online learning. All students and educational staff will be working from home.

If your child is currently in Distance Learning (online or paper), please have them refer to their DLI teacher’s google classroom.

If your child is in In-Person Learning, they will be learning from home online. Students took home their belongings and devices (if needed) before the break.

On Monday, April 19th, it is a Day 4 and learning will be asynchronous. Teachers will be posting activities in their Day 4 classes. Please see the schedule below.

In-Person At-Home Learning Schedule for Monday, April 19th – Day 4:

Teachers will post activities for Monday’s learning. Tomorrow is an asynchronous day of learning as it will be a day of organization for the staff.

Students are to work on the activities and projects posted in their google classrooms for the classes they have on Day 4.

Teachers, Educational Assistants, and Child Youth Workers will be available through email/classroom chats throughout the day during regular school hours.

Homeroom Teachers will also be contacting each of their students either through a google meet or by phone (through a blocked number), during school hours. They will connect and provide information about their At-Home Learning schedules.

Please note: Staff will be engaged in a Staff Meeting from 9:30-10:15am on Monday morning.

By the end of Monday: Staff will post their schedules for live lessons, small groups, and/or asynchronous support times, in the google classrooms for parents and students to access for the remainder of the At-Home Learning. Homeroom Teachers will also be contacting each of their students during school hours.

ATTENDANCE: It is the expectation that students join their classes during the school hours, everyday during at-home learning. If a student is going to be absent, parents are required to contact the school through the attendance line and leave a voicemail – 519-578-0400 extension 1 or email the school at

Thank you in advance for your co-operation!

As a side note, we will be having a virtual School Council meeting in the next couple of weeks. Please stay tuned for date and time.

Please continue to check our school website and the Board website for any new updates.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Take care and stay safe!

Queensmount Administration