September 6th, 2021
Hello Queensmount Students & Families!
We are excited to have you back tomorrow, Tuesday, September 7th!
Your teachers and Support Staff have worked very hard to get everything ready for your first day!
It is the first day of school for ALL grade 7 & 8 students. Please arrive between 8:05 and 8:15. The bell rings at 8:20am.
A couple of notes and reminders:
1. Please have your parent complete the COVID-19 Student Screening tool PRIOR to coming to school. You can only proceed to school if you have received a Green Go checkmark.
2. Once you get a Green Go Checkmark, then prepare your backpack with a binder, pencil case, some paper, your lunch bag and a refillable water bottle.
3. Put on a smile and then wear a mask to the bus stop, on the bus, and once you arrive on school property (if you’re walking). Parents who are dropping their children, please stop along the sidewalk by the soccer field, not by the basketball courts as that is a school bus dropping zone in the morning.
**Please note you will need to park in a parking spot for after-school pick up as our entire driveway sidewalks are school bus zones. Thank you for your support!
4. Homeroom classes have been sent out on School Day. If you don’t know yours, that’s ok! All our staff will be outside waiting to greet you! Just let them know your name and they will check their lists.
5. Every day when you arrive at school you must go directly to your class’ lineup area and line up and wait patiently in single file for the bell to ring.
Your teachers will meet you and get you ready for a fun day of learning!
Looking forward to meeting you all!
Sincerely with Blue Thunder Spirit,
Your Vice Principal, Ms. Sherifali