a) Watch this video for an overview of what you need to know for high school:
b) Visit and check out your high school’s Future Grade Nines webpages:
FHCI: go to the FHCI website fhc.wrdsb.ca and click on “Future Grade Nines”
KCI: go to the KCI website kci.wrdsb.ca and click on “Future Grade Nines”
CHCI (for IB): go to the CHCI website chc.wrdsb.ca and click on “Future Grade Nines”
ECI (for IAP): go to the ECI website eci.wrdsb.ca and chick on “Future Grade Nines”
LHSS: go to the LHSS website lhs.wrdsb.ca and chick on “Future Grade Nines”
c) If you want more general information, read the WRDSB Transition Guide for Students and Parents:
d) This is the page seen in the video (What Do You Need To Graduate From High School):