Parent-Teacher Interviews

Yestday the Progress Report Card went home. This is not an achievement report card and you will notice that there are no grades given. Teachers have provided you with information about how your child is working towards the learning goals that will be evaluated for the first term report card. The categories of “Progressing Very […]

P.A. Day Friday November 7, 2014

There will be no school for students on Friday November 7th.

Understanding Your Child’s Report Card

All parents are welcome to an information session for Queensmount parents. The session will answer questions on report cards, how to contact teachers and how to help at home.  Please follow the link below for more information. Parents can notify their attendance by returning the tear off by October 28th or contacting the school Vice Principal […]

Open Letter to Students About BYOD

Families:  The following letter was read to all students to help them in their journey towards responsible digital citizenship.  We appreciate your support in this. Dear Queensmount Students, At Queensmount we believe that mobile technology can enhance your learning. We also understand that many of you like to stay connected. However, with being allowed to […]

Picture Re-Takes

Picture re-takes will be on Thursday November 6th. Bring your best smile!!

Report cards go home on November 3rd.

Your son/daughter will be bringing home their progress report card on Monday November 3rd. It is an excellent opportunity to discuss what they are doing well and areas for improvement.

October 22nd School Council Meeting

There will be an information session on how we teach math to our students. It will start at 6:45 p.m. and end at 7:15 p.m. All parents are welcome. The School Council meeting will follow at 7:15 in the library.

Grade 7 and 8 trips to Camp KiWay in St. Clements

Trip dates and Classes that are attending: Tuesday, October 14  – 7-3, 7-4, 8-1, 8-2, 8-6 Thursday, October 23 – 7-5, 7-6, 8-3, 8-4, 8-5 Friday, October 24 – 7-1, 7-2, 7-7, 8-7, 8-8 Students will require supportive footwear and clothing appropriate for active physical activity. Layered clothing appropriate for the weather (trips take place […]


School will be closed during the Thanksgiving holiday on Monday October 13.

Lock Down Drill

All schools practice fire drills and lock down drills every year. This is to ensure our students and staff are ready for any emergencies. We will practice a lock down drill on Friday October 3rd at 1:50. This means that the doors to the school will be locked for approximately 10 minutes.

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