Important Updates at the Q!

Dear Parents & Caregivers, We hope you all had a restful and safe weekend. Happy Easter to our families who celebrate! We wanted to connect and update you all with some information: Mrs. Heidi Kolb, our interim Principal for Mr. Lencz, has completed her time with us. We wish her well! At the same time, […]

World Autism Awareness Day and Autism Acceptance Month in the WRDSB

With the arrival of April, so too comes World Autism Awareness Day and Autism Acceptance Month. These are both opportunities to recognize the importance of accepting, and supporting those on the Autism Spectrum in the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) so they can reach their full potential as learners and in life beyond school. […]

Announcing the My Canada Project Writing Contest

We are proud to announce the second annual My Canada Project writing competition, open to all Grade 8 students in the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB). Students are invited to share their thoughts and ideas about Canada, in 300-500 words, for the chance to win one of three prizes. The contest is open to […]

Covid Case Notification

COVID-19: CASE NOTIFICATION   Region of Waterloo Public Health has determined that a student, last in the Queensmount Public School building on March 30 is a confirmed positive case of COVID-19. The identity of the individual is protected by privacy legislation and will not be shared.   Public Health has identified all high-risk contacts of […]

Important information regarding WRDSB Student Census

Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) is launching its first-ever Student Census. This is an opportunity for us to learn more about the students we support and help us to identify differences and gaps in our students’ experiences and outcomes based on their diverse needs. The WRDSB Student Census is a confidential and voluntary survey […]

Early Learning and Child Care Survey from the Region of Waterloo

Region of Waterloo Children’s Services is launching a broad survey to inform their Early Learning and Child Care Service System plan for 2021-2025. The online survey will be open to parents, caregivers and families until April 16. Take the Survey The survey will help the Region of Waterloo to better understand how well the early […]

Ready to Support Student Learning in Any Scenario

We want to thank our students and staff as you continue to do your part to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We recognize that the current increase of COVID-19 cases in our province has led to many questions from our families, students and staff about whether schools will remain open. As a precautionary measure only, […]

Engaging with others for our children

By Beth Daniel & Chiazor Ugwuogo – Beth is the co-chair of the Parent Involvement Committee and Chiazor is a Parent Member of the Parent Involvement Committee. Having children in school means juggling a lot, all at once. The daily routine includes getting dressed, preparing lunches, helping with homework, not to mention extracurricular activities such […]

Staff, Students and Community Members Recognized for Black Brilliance Work by Kitchener MPP

On Sunday, March 21, Laura Mae Lindo, MPP for Kitchener Centre, invited members of the community to come together virtually to mark the International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Lindo also had a surprise in store – the inaugural Black Excellence in Leadership Academy (BELA) awards, given to a group of local organizations, and […]

April Lunch and Learn Sessions for Parents and Caregivers

As part of our ongoing efforts to support WRDSB parents, caregivers and families, our psychology staff are offering a number of lunch and learn sessions for WRDSB parents, caregivers and family members. These webinars, scheduled over the lunch hour every Wednesday, aim to equip parents with useful tips and information to assist them in supporting […]

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