Student Belongings Pick Up Schedule

Dear Parents and Caretakers,

Many of you have probably already heard the announcement by the Minister of Education that schools will not be reopening until the new school year in September, and from the School Board that students will be able to pick up any remaining items at the school. Here at Queensmount, we have created a safe, site-specific plan, in accordance with Public Health and the School Board’s procedures to provide an opportunity for the students in each grade to pick up any belongings left behind. All lockers were emptied by the school staff and student items were bagged and labelled.

We will be doing a curbside pick up in our parking lot at the front entrance of our school. We asked that families drive in from the entrance only and that they do NOT park in the parking spaces, and patiently wait in one of the 2 lines (identified by pylons) along the basketball courts in our bus drop off zone.

When they are signalled they will drive up and park along the front sidewalk entrance (in the identified spaces)to our main doors. Please do NOT get out of the vehicle. When your bagged items are brought to the car, a parent/caregiver will be signaled to get out of the car and retrieve the items.

Once your items are picked up, we ask that you leave the school property immediately following the normal direction of our exit lane.

Specific times have been set out for each grade below.

Grade 7 students:

Only Grade 7 students who had items in their lockers are invited to come on the scheduled curbside pick up days. If you had items in your locker, your teacher will be sending you an email on google classroom to come and get your items at a scheduled time on Wednesday, June 17th. Please see the Homeroom’s scheduled time in this link: If you are in Grade 7 and you only have a lock at school, you will be picking it up when the new school year resumes.

Grade 8 Students:

All Grade 8 students are welcomed to our curbside pick up on Thursday, June 18th, at their Homeroom’s scheduled time to get their belongings that were left in their lockers (if any were left) and to pick up their Grad Certificates and Grad Photos (if they ordered them). Please see the Homeroom’s scheduled time in this link: If you did not take your lock with you at March Break, you can pick it up when the new school year resumes.

Monday, June 22nd -Alternate Day:

For families who are not able to come on their scheduled day, please let us know. Grade 8s can come in the morning from 9:30 am-11:30 am and Grade 7s can come in the afternoon from 12:30-2:00 pm.

All ISP students are scheduled to come in the morning from 10:00-11:30 am.



For All Students: All report cards will be mailed out to families the last week of school.

EpiPens & Medication: For any students who have left EpiPens or any other medication at the office, your child will be notified by their teacher through the google classroom. We can release the EpiPens to the students but other medication MUST be picked up by a Guardian adult. If you are unable to come on the scheduled days, the medication will be stored in the school office. Access will NOT be available until the new school year resumes.

For Grade 7s: Any items not claimed will be discarded or donated in July, depending on the item.

For Grade 8s: Any Grad Photos not picked up on these dates, they will be held at the school until the start of the next school year. They will NOT be mailed out.

Any Grad Certificates not picked up on these dates will be mailed to students at the same time as report cards.