Dear Parents and Caretakers,


PLEASE ONLY return the chromebooks if your child is  NOT doing Distance Learning and they will be attending school IN PERSON.

In order to provide assistance for Distance Learning this past year, we loaned out devices to our students and families who were in need.  We are asking that all families return those devices for both our Grade 7 and Grade 8 students from this past year. We will check you off our list once you return the device and any accessories that you borrowed.

The school is open this week and next week from 8:30am until 3pm to receive the chromebooks.  Please come to the main door and buzz.  We will greet you there.

We need the devices back so we may sanitize them and get them ready for future use.

Thank you for your diligent efforts and support in this matter!

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Queensmount Staff